F.I.S.A. brings the covers and the content of each issue of the last years to your attention.
Bulletin of the AS.IT.AF astrophilatelic society in Italy.
Bulletin of the Aërofil aeophilatelic society in Belgium.
Bulletin of Associazione Italiana di Aerofilatelia aerophilatelic society in Italy.
Bulletin of The British Air Mail Society aerophilatelic society in the Great Britain.
Bulletin of The American Air Mail Society aerophilatelic society in the United States.
Bulletin of the Australian Air Mail Society aerophilatelic society in Australia.
Bulletin of Cercle Aérophilatélique de France aerophilatelic society in France.
Bulletin of The Canadian Aerophilatelist aerophilatelic society in Canada.
Bulletin of the BFV Cosmos astrophilatelic society in Belgium.
Bulletin of De Vliegende Hollander in Holland.
Bulletin of D.A.P.C. and I.A.P.C. aeophilatelic societies in Germany.
Bulletin of the Aer-Philatelisten Club Deutschland aerophilatelic societies in the Germany.
Bulletin of the French astrophilatelic society AAF (Association Astrophilatélique de France).
Previous issues of Le Cosmophil
Bulletin of the Philatelisten Club Swissair and the Schweizerischer Aerophilatelisten Verein aerophilatelic societies in the Switzerland.
Bulletin of the Gesellschaft für Weltall-Philatelisten astrophilatelic society in Switzerland.
Bulletin of the ATA Space Unit astrophilatelic society in the United States.
Bulletin of the Weltraum Philatelie e.V. astrophilatelic society in Germany.