In the long history of aero- and astrophilately, we had great men and women promoting our hobby.
F.I.S.A. wants to have these great aero- and astrophilatelists remembered in this chapter.
René Koller (1947 - 2024)
D/ Nachruf René Koller (31.07.1947 - 27.12.2024)
Leider mussten wir von einem grossartigen Philatelisten Abschied nehmen.
Am 27. Dezember 2024 verstarb René Koller, Präsident des Schweizerischen Aerophilatelisten-Vereins SAV, nach längerer Krankheit. Bis zuletzt setzte er sich für den SAV ein.
René Koller war ein Philatelist mit Leidenschaft, seine Begeisterung galt der Schweizer Luftpost. Auf seine grosse Schweizer Luftpostsammlung war er stolz.
1972 trat René Koller dem SAV bei und blieb ihm über 52 Jahre lang treu. Nach der Jahrtausendwende übernahm René die Katalogstelle des SAV. Das erste Luftposthandbuch (LPH), dass er in seiner Verantwortung herausgab, wurde 2013 veröffentlicht.
Nach fünf Jahren intensiver Arbeit erschien 2018 die neue Ausgabe des Handbuchs in zwei Bänden.
Seit 2021 war René Koller Präsident des SAV. Gerne teilte er sein Wissen mit den Vereinsmitgliedern. Sein grosses Netzwerk wurde vor allem bei den Tagen der Aerophilatelie sichtbar. So konnten die Ausstellungen immer wieder an verschiedenen Orten der Schweiz, durchgeführt werden.
Er betreute auch die SAV-Webseite, die immer aktuell war.
Sein letztes grosses Projekt war das neue Luftposthandbuch, das 2025 an der BERNABA'25 (Bern) erscheinen wird. Mit viel Hingabe und Akribie arbeitete er an diesem Werk, das ein einzigartiges Nachschlagewerk für die Schweizer Luftpostsammler werden wird. Ein Vermächtnis für die nächste Generation von Luftpostsammlern.
Wir behalten René Koller als einen stiller Schaffer für die Schweizer Aerophilatelie in Erinnerung. Er hinterlässt eine grosse Lücke bei den Aerophilatelisten.
F/ Avis de décès, René Koller (31.07.1947 - 27.12.2024)
Nous avons malheureusement dû prendre congé d'un grand philatéliste. Le 27 décembre 2024, René Koller, président de la Société suisse des aérophilatélistes (SAS), est décédé des suites d'une longue maladie. Jusqu'à la fin, il s'est engagé pour la SAS.
René Koller était un philatéliste passionné, son enthousiasme allait en particulier à la poste aérienne suisse. Il était fier de sa grande collection.
En 1972, René Koller a rejoint la SAS et lui est resté fidèle pendant plus de 52 ans. Au tournant du millénaire, René a repris le service du catalogue de la SAS. Le premier manuel de poste aérienne (LPH) qu'il a publié sous sa responsabilité a été publié en 2013.
Après cinq ans de travail intensif, la nouvelle édition du manuel en deux volumes a été publiée en 2018.
Depuis 2021, René Koller était président de la SAS. Il partageait volontiers ses connaissances avec les membres de l'association. Son grand réseau était surtout visible lors des journées de l'aérophilatélie. Ainsi, les expositions ont toujours pu être organisées dans différents endroits de Suisse.
Il s'est également occupé du site Internet de la SAS, qui était toujours à jour.
Son dernier grand projet a été le nouveau manuel de poste aérienne dont la parution se fera en mai lors de BERNABA'25 (Berne). Il a travaillé avec beaucoup de dévouement et de minutie à cet ouvrage qui deviendra un ouvrage de référence unique pour les collectionneurs suisses de poste aérienne. Un héritage pour la prochaine génération de collectionneurs de poste aérienne.
Nous gardons de René Koller le souvenir d'un travailleur silencieux pour l'aérophilatélie suisse. Il laisse un grand vide parmi les aérophilatélistes.
Le comité de la SAS
Fiorenzo Longhi (1938 - 2024)
In Memory of Fiorenzo Longhi (22.11.1938 - 12.11.2024)
Unfortunately, Fiorenzo Longhi passed away on November 12nd. Originally from Milan, he had moved some years ago to Santa Maria al Bagno (Lecce). Born on November 22nd, 1938, he was about to turn 86.
One of the leading experts in Italian and international aerophilately, Fiorenzo Longhi remained very active until the end, serving as president of the Italian Association of Aerophilately (AIDA) and as a juror. In fact, he participated in this capacity at the “Bergamofil” event held from September 27–29. On that occasion, he was among the recipients of a newly established award from the Federation for long-serving jurors (referred to as “doyens”), requiring at least 25 years of active service. The first round of awards took place in Chiuduno (BG), with Fiorenzo Longhi and Giancarlo Morolli among the honorees.
As an author, his final work, “The Italian Military Aviation Mission in Argentina (March 13 - September 13, 1919)”, was published in late 2023 through AIDA’s “Quaderni” series. Before that, in the September issue (No. 183) of AIDAflash, where he was a co-editor, an intriguing article of his titled “The Centennial of the Aerial Voyage to Holland” was featured.
Fiorenzo Longhi had a long and distinguished career. He was one of the founders of the Association of Italian Professional Philatelic Experts in 2012. He also served as a board member of the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Aéro- et Astrophilatéliques (FISA), was a member of the Association Internationale des Experts en Philatélie, a juror for the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP), and a delegate for the Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies. In 2004, he was inducted into the Italian Philately Hall of Fame and received the prestigious “Fernando Corsari” Award.
Among his most notable works are: • Italian Aerophilately 1884–1920: From Aviation Pioneers to the Aces of the Great War • Italian Aerophilately Historical Descriptive Catalogue – 1898–1941 • Historical Descriptive Catalogue of Italian, Italian Colonies, San Marino, Vatican Zeppelin Airgrams 1929–1939 • Italian Pilots and Aircraft from the Pacific to the Andes.
He also revised Mario Cobianchi’s seminal work Pioneers of Aviation in Italy 1908–1914 and authored numerous articles in AIDAflash as well as leading Italian and international journals.
Lately, he had been diligently working on a complete revision of his major work, Italian Aerophilately Historical Descriptive Catalogue – 1898–1941. According to reports, the manuscript was finished, and we hope to see it published soon.
Flavio Riccitelli, Secretary AIDA
Fiorenzo Longhi (center) receives the title of "Doyen" at Bergamofil 2024
Tony A. Roth (1936 - 2024)
D/ Nachruf Ehrenpräsident Tony A. Roth (28.06.1936-22.02.2024)
Tony A. Roth war ein Philatelist alter Schule, der sich in jungen Jahren mit der allgemeinen Philatelie befasste. 21-jährig gründete er 1957 den Philatelistenclub Zürich-Wiedikon, wo er Jahrzehnte das Präsidentenamt inne hatte. Nebenbei leitete er die vereinsinternen Auktionen.
Sein eigenes Sammelgebiet war und blieb die Luftpost. Schon im Jahr 1965 wurde er Mitglied des Schweizerischen Aerophilatelisten-Vereins SAV, den er stark mitprägte. Er gehörte zu den Treibern für eine minutiöse Registrierung sämtlicher Flugpostbelege im vereinsinternen Luftpost-Handbuch. Im Vorstand bekleidete verschiedene Chargen. So war er etliche Jahre Auktionsobmann. Schliesslich war er für mehrere Jahre Präsident SAV.
Im Dachverband der Aerophilatelisten FISA (Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Aéro- et Astrophilatéliques) bekleidete Tony während vielen Jahren das Amt des Kassiers. Tony organisierte Ausstellungen für die FISA (Lupo95) und war national und international erfolgeicher Aussteller seiner Flugpostbelege. Seine umfangreiche und bekannte Flugpostsammlung zeigte auf, wie man mit geringem finanziellen Aufwand interessante, seltene und wertvolle Belege in einer Flugpostsammlung vereinen kann.
Er war auch aktives Mitglied des Philatelistenclubs Swissair PCS, der ähnliche Interessen in der Flugpost vertritt.
Mit Tony A. Roth fehlt uns ein allseits bekannter Philatelist.
René Koller, Präsident SAV
E/ Obituary Honorary President Tony A. Roth (28.06.1936-22.02.2024)
Tony A. Roth was an old-school philatelist who became involved in general philately at a young age. In 1957, at the age of 21, he founded the Zurich-Wiedikon Philatelists' Club, where he held the office of president for decades. He also managed the club's internal auctions.
His own collecting area was and remained airmail. As early as 1965, he became a member of the Swiss Aerophilatelists' Association (SAV), which he played a major role in shaping. He was one of the driving forces behind the meticulous registration of all airmail covers in the association's internal airmail handbook. He held various positions on the board. He was auction chairman for several years. Finally, he was President of the SAV for several years.
In the umbrella organization of aerophilatelists FISA (Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Aéro- et Astrophilatéliques), Tony held the office of treasurer for many years. Tony organized exhibitions for FISA (Lupo95) and was a successful national and international exhibitor of his airmail covers. His extensive and well-known airmail collection showed how interesting, rare and valuable covers can be combined in an airmail collection at low cost.
He was also an active member of the Swissair PCS philatelic club, which represents similar interests in airmail.
With Tony A. Roth, we are missing a well-known philatelist.
René Koller, President SAV
Jean-Louis Lafon (1937 - 2023)
F/ C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous vous faisons part du décès de notre ami Jean-Louis Lafon, après une longue maladie, le 29 janvier 2023.
Jean-Louis avait fait toute sa carrière dans l'industrie spatiale, en tant qu'ingénieur technique dans l'une des usines françaises liées au développement du voyage spatial en France.
En 1975, il découvre Astrophilately à Toulouse et en tombe immédiatement amoureux.
En 1980, il a présenté aux Pays-Bas sa première collection sur le développement des fusées européennes et a remporté le premier prix !
En 2001, il a fondé l'Association Astrophilatélique de France (2AF), dont il a été le président pendant 15 ans, tandis que ses collections ont remporté des médailles d'or internationales.
Il a également été secrétaire de la Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP Section Astrophilatélique) et juge national en Astrophilatélie.
Sa participation au conseil d'administration de 2AF est restée très importante malgré sa terrible maladie.
Pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore eu l'occasion de le lire, nous recommandons son article sur les origines des astrophiles, paru dans Cosmophil n° 70 à l'occasion du 20e anniversaire de 2AF.
Que la F.I.S.A. présente ses sincères condoléances à son épouse Marie-Claire, à ses enfants et petits-enfants.
E/ It is with great sadness that we report the death of our friend Jean-Louis Lafon, after a long illness, on 29 January 2023.
Jean-Louis had spent his entire career in the space industry, as a technical engineer in one of the French factories related to the development of space travel in France.
In 1975, he discovered Astrophilately in Toulouse and immediately fell in love with it.
In 1980, he presented his first collection in the Netherlands on the development of European rockets and won the first prize!
In 2001, he founded the Association Astrophilatélique de France (2AF), of which he was president for 15 years, while his collections won international gold medals.
He was also secretary of the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP Section Astrophilatélique) and national judge in Astrophilatélie.
His participation on the board of 2AF remained very important despite his terrible illness.
For those who have not yet had a chance to read him, we recommend his article on the origins of astrophiles, which appeared in Cosmophil No 70 on the 20th anniversary of 2AF.
May we from F.I.S.A. extend our sincere condolences to his wife Marie-Claire, to his children and grandchildren.
Jean-Pierre Leclercq, Ass. Astrophilatélique de France
Stefan Bruylants, BFV Cosmos
Beatrice Bachmann (1932 - 2022)
It is with great sadness that we report the death of Beatrice Bachmann, the 'leading lady' of astrophilately, on 19 November 2022. After another fall in her home, she was transferred to hospital and later to the Seratawo Residential Care Centre in Thalwil, her hometown, where she died a few days later.
With Beatrice, once again we lose one of the great astrophilatelists, after Teddy Dahinden, Lester Winneck, Georges Lauwers, Peter Wilhelm, Ben Ramkissoon.
To her we owe the real development of astrophilately and always she was ready to assist and advise any astrophilatelist. Even more, we will miss her vast knowledge of astrophilately, accumulated through more than forty years of study and exhibition.
In 1985, the Astrophilatelic Section within the Aerophilatelic Committee was established and the Special Regulations (SREV) for Astrophilately was accepted by F.I.P. Beatrice Bachmann became the very first leader of this Section and remained so until 2000. In 1991, the astrophilately exhibition class was introduced.
Her collection "Vom Beginn der Weltraumforschung bis zur Bordpost" was rated Grand Gold in Washington and was presented in the Court of Honor.
In 2018, Beatrice Bachmann received the* "Life Time Achievement Award"* for her tremendous support in the service of astrophilately.
After a first acquaintance in 1993 in Salzburg, I was allowed to meet Beatrice numerous times and we had regular phone calls about what was going wrong between astrophilately and F.I.P. and how we were going to respond.
Unfortunately, our last meeting dates back to October 2016, in Lucerne, when she was already ill, and Covid prevented us from meeting again.
Beatrice, you remain our 'Leading Lady' !
Stefan Bruylants President BFV Cosmos
Liebe Sammlerfreunde,
Leider habe ich heute die traurige Nachricht erhalten, dass unser langjähriges Mitglied, und ehemaliges Vorstandsmitglied des Deutschen Aerophilatelisten Club e.V Köln, Herr Manfred Lösemann am 07.09.2021 verstorben ist.
Mit Herrn Lösemann verliert die Aerophilatie einen sehr leidenschaftlichen Sammler. Wir werden ihn in guter Erinnerung behalten.
Mit den besten Grüßen
Alexander Kastleiner
2. Vorsitzender des Deutschen Aerophilatelisten Club e.V. Köln
Romano Savini (1937 - 2021)
The passing away of Romano Savini
The sad news reaches us of the passing away in Cairo, on August 12, of Romano Savini, who was a great expert in Zeppelin mail whose trade he kept alive for many years with great honesty and knowledge of the market, supported by his perfect mastery of the German language.
The news reached us yesterday from his wife Ilda Schatzinger, with whom he had moved some time ago to the Egyptian capital.
Many of our old members, collectors of zeppelin mail, who knew him, will remember with emotion the grace and competence with which he offered them his precious material, with which collections of great value, even well rewarded, have been built.
The late Giangiacomo Orlandini made use of his expertise, on the occasion of the preparation of the “Catalog of Zeppelin aerograms (Italy, Italian Colonies, San Marino, Vatican)”, by E. Violino, published in 1971.
Even Fiorenzo Longhi did not miss his collaboration, when in 2009 the “Historical Descriptive Catalog of the Zeppelin Aerograms of Italy, Italian Colonies, San Marino, Vatican 1929-1939” was created, also writing the preface.
Although he has recently moved away from associative life, Romano has always considered AIDA to be his second family and has never let his attachment be lacking.
It should not be forgotten that Romano was our delegate at FISA (Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Aérophilatéliques) for over thirty years, participating in the annual meetings that took place in various European cities.
Our deepest condolences go to his wife Ilda and all his family.
22 Agosto 2021
Flavio Riccitelli Secretary AIDA
Gérard Collot (1932 - 2021)
Je souhaite partager avec vous une bien triste nouvelle.
Notre ami Gérard Collot nous a quitté le 31 janvier au soir à l’âge de 88 ans des suites d’une longue maladie. J’avais pu encore parler avec lui, il y a quelques jours, et il était très affaibli.
Après une brillante carrière d’ingénieur chez Dassault Electronique dans le domaine des radars, il s’était passionné pour l’aérophilatélie, dont il était devenu une personnalité marquante, unanimement reconnue au niveau international.
Pendant 17 années (1996 - 2013), il a animé avec brio le Cercle Aérophilatélique Français. Il a marqué par sa personnalité, sa bienveillance et ses connaissances tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de le côtoyer.
Les ouvrages qu’il a rédigé avec son ami Alain Cornu : "La Ligne Mermoz", "La Ligne Noguès", "Les Lignes Africaines" sont devenus les ouvrages de référence de l’aérophilatélie française.
Il était également membre de la Commission Histoire, Arts et Lettres de l’Aéroclub de France, membre de l’Académie de l’Air et de l’Espace, et chevalier dans l’Ordre National du Mérite.
Dans la mesure où la situation sanitaire le permettra, je me rendrai à ses obsèques qui auront lieu le 5 février à l’église Saint Wandrille au Pecq. Nous ferons parvenir une gerbe au nom de tous les membres du CAF.
Ayons une pensée pour lui et sa famille.
Dominique PETIT
Président du Cercle Aérophilatélique Français
Gérard Collot (1932 - 2021)
I would like to share with you some very sad news.
Our friend Gérard Collot passed away on the evening of January 31st at the age of 88 years old after a long illness. I had been able to speak with him again a few days ago and he was very weak.
After a brilliant career as an engineer at Dassault Electronique in the field of radars, he became passionate about aerophilately, of which he became an outstanding personality, unanimously recognised at international level.
For 17 years (1996 - 2013), he brilliantly led the French Aerophilatelic Circle. His personality, kindness and knowledge left their mark on all those who had the good opportunity to work with him.
The works he wrote with his friend Alain Cornu: "La Ligne Mermoz", "La Ligne Noguès", "Les Lignes Africaines" have become the reference works of French aerophilately.
He was also a member of the History, Arts and Letters Commission of the Aeroclub de France, a member of the Air and Space Academy, and a knight in the National Order of Merit.
As far as the sanitary situation will allow, I will go to his funeral which will take place on February 5th at the Saint Wandrille church in Le Pecq. We will send a wreath on behalf of all the members of the CAF.
Let us have a thought for him and his family.
Dominique PETIT
President of the French Aerophilatelic Circle
Deutsche Version - English version below
Reiner Stimm (1947 - 2020)
Es war eine erschütternde Nachricht am Weihnachts-Heiligabend:„Reiner ist heute morgen eingeschlafen.“ Dabei hatten wir noch wenige Tage zuvor miteiander gesprochen, er hatte mir weitere gute Genesung nach meinem Schlaganfall gewünscht, war optimistisch, wie immer. Nun dieses. Unglaublich und unfassbar. Er wurde Opfer seiner Herzerkrankung.
Reiner befasste sich bereits frühzeitig mit der Philatelie, besonders mit der Aerophilatelie. Die Verbindung zwischen Luftpost und Luftfahrt fand er spannend und so widmete er sich dem Thema „Concorde“. Aber auch die Luftpost der ehemaligen DDR und besonders des Nachbarlandes Polen bearbeitete er aerophilatelistisch. Als nach der Wende 1989/90 mit der Auflösung des Philatelistenverbandes der DDR auch die Arbeitkreise Luftpost aufhörten zu existierten, fand sich eine kleine Gruppe Aerophilatelisten zusammen, um einen Luftpostsammler-Verein zu gründen. Das geschah am 16.März 1991 in Leipzig. Man war sich einig, anknüpfend an frühe deutsche Traditionen diesen Verein „Aerophilatelisten-Club Deutschlands e.V.“ zu benennen. Zum Präsidenten wurde Reiner Stimm gewählt. Er hatte diese Funktion in all den Jahren inne und wurde auf den Wahlversammlungen immer wieder zum Präsidenten gewählt.
Eine Vielzahl von Aktivitäten geht auf seine Initiative zurück bzw. war er wesentlich mitbeteiligt, so etwa Werbe- und Verkaufsstände auf Flughäfen, gemeinsame Veranstaltungen mit anderen Vereinen oder bei der Vorbereitung der AeroBerlin 2019. Seinem Wirken ist es zu verdanken, dass der APCD in den nunmehr dreißig Jahren seines Bestehens eine kontinuierliche Arbeit leisten konnte und national und international Anerkennung fand. Der APCD ist seit dem 1. Januar 1993 Mitglied der FISA - dem internationalen Dachverband der aerophilatelistischen Vereine.
Reiner Stimm hat auch die aerophilatelistische Literatur bereichert. 1995 erschien die Broschüre „Luftpost in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“, 2014 eine Gedenkschrift „90 Jahre Aero-Philatelisten-Club Deutschlands (APCD) e.V.“. Der von Erich Haberer begründete „Katalog der deutschen Luftpost“ erfährt ab Teil 16 seine Fortführung durch Reiner Stimm. Für diese Literaturarbeit wurden die Autoren Reiner Stimm und Horst Teichmann mit der FISA Ehrenmedaille in Silber im Jahre 2019 geehrt.
In den „Luftpost-Nachrichten“ finden sich eine Vielzahl von Beiträgen aus Reiners Handschrift zu verschiedenen Themen der Luftpost und Luftfahrt. Die Luftpostsammler erinnern sich sehr gerne an die jährlichen Zusammenkünfte. Die Jahreshauptversammlungen waren stets auch mit einem guten Teil Gemütlichkeit verknüpft. So hatte Reiner auch schon für 2021 konkrete Pläne. Er kann es nicht mehr erleben.
Reiner, wir vermissen Dich! Wir werden Dir stets ein ehrendes Gedenken bewahren und danken Dir für alles.
Unser Mitgefühl und unsere trauernde Anteilnahme gelten seiner Gattin Karin und den beiden Söhnen mit ihren Familien.
Horst Teichmann, Ellefeld
English version
It was shocking news on Christmas Eve: "Reiner passed away this morning". Just a few days before, we had spoken to each other, he had wished me a good recovery after my stroke, was optimistic, as always. Now this. Unbelievable and inconceivable. He became a victim of his heart disease.
Reiner became involved with philately at an early age, especially aerophilately. He found the connection between airmail and aviation exciting and so he devoted himself to the subject of the "Concorde". But he also worked aerophilatelically on the airmail of the former GDR and especially of the neighbouring country Poland. After the fall of communism in 1989/90, when the GDR philatelic association was dissolved and the airmail working groups ceased to exist, a small group of aerophilatelists got together to found an airmail collectors' association. This happened on 16 March 1991 in Leipzig. It was agreed to name this club "Aerophilatelisten-Club Deutschlands e.V.", following early German traditions. name. Reiner Stimm was elected president. He held this position for all these years and was repeatedly elected President at the election meetings.
Reiner Stimm has also enriched the aerophilatelic literature. In 1995, the brochure "Airmail in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" was published, in 2014 a commemorative publication "90 Jahre Aero-Philatelisten-Club Deutschlands (APCD) e.V.". The "Katalog der deutschen Luftpost" (Catalogue of German Airmail) founded by Erich Haberer is continued by Reiner Stimm from Part 16 onwards. For this literary work, the authors Reiner Stimm and Horst Teichmann were honoured with the FISA Medal of Honour in Silver in 2019.
The "Airmail News" contains a large number of contributions from Reiner's handwriting on various topics of airmail and aviation. Airmail collectors remember the annual meetings very fondly. The annual general meetings were always associated with a good deal of conviviality. So Reiner already had concrete plans for 2021. He will no longer be able to experience it.
Reiner, we miss you! We will always honour your memory and thank you for everything.
Our sympathy and condolences go to his wife Karin and their two sons with their families.
Horst Teichmann, Ellefeld
Major (Rtd.) Richard K. Malott, CD, M.Sc., B.A. / 1927-2020
Dick Malott was the foremost Canadian aerophilatelist for many years.
Dick began collecting and researching Canadian air mails in the 1950s, and was able to interview several of the pilots who had made the pioneer flights. He developed outstanding collections of "Canadian Pioneer and Semi-Official Air Mail Flown Covers", and of "Canadian Interrupted Covers", which won 12 large and 5 small gold medals internationally, and many Canadian and American Air Mail Society awards.
Dick was also very involved in organized philately. Among his many roles he was an international judge; Editor-in-Chief for the first edition of The Air Mails of Canada and Newfoundland - part of the 6th edition of The American Air Mail Catalogue; a Past President of the Canadian Aerophilatelic Society; and a former Chair of the American Air Mail Society's Awards Committee.
Dick was elected a member of the Aerophilatelic Hall of Fame in 1996. He also received many other awards over the years, including election as a Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada in 1986, as a Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society of London in 2005, and was presented with a Golden F.I.S.A. Pin “for his service and devotion to aero- and astrophilately”, by the Federation Internationale Des Societes Aerophilateliques in 2009.
In spite of all his achievements and awards, Dick never seemed to slow down: he was a judge at ORAPEX in 2018, on the organizing committee of ORAPEX for 2019, and continued to support and encourage other philatelists. He will be missed by many people.
A detailed philatelic biography of Dick Malott has been posted on The Canadian Aerophilatelic Society's website at
Hermann Walter Sieger Honorary Member of F.I.S.A. Hermann Walter Sieger died on September 30th 2019.
On September 30th 2019 the well known philatelist and promotor Hermann Walter Sieger was put out from his longtime sickness. Sieger was Born in Schwäbisch-Gmünd on April 6th 1928 and was known for years worldwide with his Briefmarkenhaus Hermann E. Sieger. Originally mostly "Zeppelinpost", later on for thematic subscriptions and new stamps from all over the world.
Consul Sieger was founder of the Bundes Philatelistischer Prüfer BPP 1958, as well as founder of the International Auditor Society AIEP 1954 and the International Association of Philatelic Journalists AIJP. Hermann Walter Sieger found his home in the Consilium Philatelicum des BDPh in 1994. Together with Dr. Heinz Jaeger, Honorary-President of BDPh, he was Vice-President from 2000 to 2015 and then became Honorary Member.
Hermann Walter Sieger has always been an Honorary Member of F.I.S.A. for his work in Aerophilately. The Board of F.I.S.A. gives his condolences to the family.
It's a sad day for the American Air Mail Society with the passing of President Lee Downer in July 2019. Despite his battle with a brain tumor, Lee continued to take his duties seriously and worked tirelessly in his final days and months to implement programs and changes to help carry the AAMS into the future.
One of those duties was preparing the digital version of the Airpost Journal for email circulation. Although the email had my name on it, the message was Lee's. That job is now mine. I just spent about three hours on the phone with Constant Contacts' technical support and hope I got this right. I expect I can get it sent out this month and hope I can remember how to do it again next month.
Lee will be missed but I know through recent communications that David Ball is stepping into the president's role. I hope we'll all support him as he assumes the duties.
Vickie Canfield Peters, Editor of the AIRPOST JOURNAL
Past-President of F.I.S.A., Ross Wood from Australia, died on May 31st 2018.
Vale: Ross Wood FAP (1945 – 2018), by Glen Stafford, Australian Philatelic Society.
I am having extreme trouble writing this Vale for Ross Wood, as he was a very close personal and philatelic friend. I met him for the first time in 2000 when he judged my novice class exhibit at Philatelic Society of Rockingham and Kwinana Districts. Along with John DiBiase, he encouraged me to be involved with organised philately. He encouraged and mentored me in organised philately over the following 18 years.
Ross Wood provided outstanding services to organised philately in many executive capacities. Some of his roles included the following:
he served for 38 years at the Philatelic Society of WA (PSWA) in the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Member; 25 years on the Western Australian Philatelic Council (WAPC) in the positions of President, Vice President, Public Development Officer and Secretary; 17 years with the Australian Philatelic Federation (APF) in the positions of President, Vice President, Immediate Past President and Secretary. Ross was the APF’s Aerophilately Commission Delegate – a role he had held for the past 15 years. Ross was also the longest serving APF executive.
At the international level, Ross had been the current President of the FIP Aerophilately Commission in addition to being an internationally qualified judge for both FIAP and FIP exhibitions in the areas of Postal Stationery and Aerophilately.
From 2009 to 2015, Ross served as the President of FISA (Federation of Aero and Astro Philately) and had been a FISA Board Member since 2009, representing Australasia.
Ross had been the long-time editor of several philatelic publications including: PSWA’s Stamp Hinges journal for 30 years; the WAPC’s Stamp Groper journal for 21 years; and, more recently, The Australian Aerophilatelist for the Australian Airmail Society.
Ross must have known how to squeeze more than 24 hours into each day, because he had also found time to hold more than ten exhibiting / judging workshops at the state and national levels. He had run Aerophilately exhibiting workshops at the national level, such as the one held during the Canberra 2010 show. Also at the international FIP level during Melbourne 2013, PhilaKorea 2014 and Singapore 2015. Ross also championed the successful introduction of the new state-level ‘Subject’ class in recent years.
In 1997, his strong contribution to the WA philatelic world was recognised with Ross being awarded the EM Hasluck Medal – the highest philatelic award in WA. He had also been awarded life membership in both the Western Australian Philatelic Council and the Philatelic Society of WA.
In 2016, Ross was awarded the highest honour that Australian Organised Philately can give with an APF Fellow of the Australian Philatelic Order (FAP).
To top it off, for those of us who had the pleasure to know him as a personal friend, he was not only a collector, judge and exhibitor; he was a tireless worker, volunteer and a top bloke. We had many jovial late nights together in various places around the world discussing stamps, horse racing and his beloved Collingwood Football Club.
Ross, you will be sadly missed by the whole philatelic community.
Glen Stafford
F.I.S.A. offers its condolences to the family.
Reiner Stimm, President of APCD, reported on April 15th that Dr. Karlheinz Herdt passed away on April 9th, just before his 86th birthday.
Dr. Herdt was Honorary Member of APCD. He was President of the "Zentralen Arbeitskreises Luftpost - ZAKL)" in the DDR, and was a well known national and international as an author, exhibitor and judge.
APCD and FISA will always have the best remembrances and we will always remember him.
I.L.A., the Interessengemeinschaft Lufthansa Aerophilatelie e.V., has to announce the death of its Vice-President Dr. Hans Langisch.
Dr. Langisch was a indefatigable philatelist and visited almost every philatelic fairs with the “ILA-Aktiven”. He was always ready to help other collectors and was the right hand in preparing the magazine “Rundschreiben” of the society. Quite and humble, he was always there when needed.
I.L.A. will always remember him and offer sincere condolences to the family.
Roland Felix Kohl was born in Dresden, Germany on March 3, 1921 of a Swiss mother and German father. He completed his basic education in 1939. Always interested in aviation, airplanes and dirigibles, he wanted to become an aeronautical engineer. When he started to collect stamps as a youth he reflected his penchant for aviation by seeking stamps related to that field. His ambitions took a change in 1941 when he was drafted into the German Army. Trained as a telegrapher, he was serving in that capacity when his unit was transferred to the Russian front and was wounded during fighting around Latvia, evacuated back to Germany, treated and recovered. While convalescing in Dresden he survived the February 13, 1945 horrific bombing that virtually destroyed that city. With his mother, he escaped to Leipzig where his sister, Yvonne, lived. However, she had moved to the outskirts of Nuremberg and so Roland and his mother found transportation there. Reunited, they awaited the arrival of the U.S. Army which they joyfully welcomed. When he sought to continue his education, there were no classes for Aeronautical Engineering and he enrolled in the Civil Engineering program. Upon graduation in 1952, he got a job as an engineer working for the U.S. Airforce rebuilding damaged/destroyed airports.
An old friend who had emigrated to New York before the war returned to Germany on business and tracked Roland down. He convinced Roland to come to America. Aided by his aunt and family who lived in New York, he found a place to live and got a job working for Amman and Whitney the famous bridge builders. With a team of other engineers, he designed the huge cable anchorage for the Brooklyn side of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge.
Roland met a lovely Swedish girl, Kerstin, in New York, fell in love, and married her in January 1958. They lived happily in the city, both became U.S. citizens. In 1962 they decided to return to Europe and Roland quickly found jobs working for American engineering firms rebuilding industrial plants and refineries in Germany. In 1970 he was offered a job as Chief Engineer for the Zurich International Airport. He and Kerstin were delighted to move to Switzerland. Unfortunately, Kerstin’s health deteriorated and eventually she died of cancer in May 1995.
All through the years after the end of World War II, Roland enlarged and maintained his philatelic collection and became active in several philatelic organizations. While at an International Philatelic Exhibition in Thailand, he fell in love with the country and after Kerstin’s death purchased a 12th floor condominium on the beach in Patong, Phuket. He was there on December 26, 2004 when the historic tsunami hit. Fortunately he was located in a sturdy 30 story building and was an observer of all the chaos that ensued.
Eventually, he developed glaucoma and macular degeneration and hearing loss. Unable to get good health care he decided in 2011 to return to the United States and live with his first cousin, André and his wife Sally in Delaware. Succumbing to various ailments, he passed away peacefully on July 11. 2016. He was 95 years old.
Donald Holmes will be known to many aerophilatelists as the author of Air Mail: An Illustrated History 1793-1981. This beautifully illustrated, thoroughly researched book, was an attempt to introduce the general public to the fascination of aeropostal history, by means of a coffee table style book. Although published in 1982, it is still widely regarded as the best one volume history of the early air mail flights and services around the world.
Donald was also a regular contributor of letters and articles on a wide variety of topics, to the American Air Mail Society's Airpost Journal, and the Canadian Aerophilatelic Society's Canadian Aerophilatelist. In the years after this book was published, Donald moved from the U.S.A. to Scotland, then to England, to France, and then back to England. Donald was interested in not just the “facts” of history, but the significance of different events in the development of aviation and air mail.
One of his particular interests, was the relative importance of the Wright Brothers’ flights at Kitty Hawk on December 17th1903, and Wilbur Wright’s flight at Le Mans in France on August 8th 1908:
• the Wright Brothers first flights in December 1903 received little attention at the time. - There was in fact great scepticism as to whether they had actually flown. In 1906, for example, the Paris edition of the Herald Tribune carried an article on the Wright Brothers with the headline “Flyers or Liars?”. In 1908, when there were delays before Wilbur Wright’s first demonstration flight in France, the press often referred to them as “Bluffeurs”.
• it was the August 8th 1908 flight from Les Hunaudieres race track at Le Mans, when Wilbur Wright amazed the crowd with his ability to make controlled turns, that turned the Wright Brothers into international celebrities. - The Paris daily newspaper Figaro wrote that, “It was not merely a success, but a triumph; a conclusive trial and a decisive victory for aviation, the news of which will revolutionize scientific circles around the world.” When they returned to the U.S.A. in 1909 there were two days of festivities in Dayton.
Nowadays, however, the first flights on December 17th 1903 are frequently regarded as one of the most significant events of the 20th Century, but Wilbur’s flight on August 8th 1908 receives little attention. In a “Letter to the Editor” in the May 1999 Air Post Journal, Donald wrote that: “It seems to me that this easy to remember date 8.8.08 has been short changed in our awareness. This flight –Wilbur’s first flight in France – was the one that awakened the world to the importance of what happened at Kitty Hawk in 1903.” During his years in France, Donald became very involved with the Centenary celebrations for the 1908 flight being organized in Le Mans, and in the group Aero-Retro which built a replica of the Wright Flyer III that flew as part of the Centenary celebrations.
As part of the Centenary commemoration, and to try and raise awareness of Wilbur Wright’s flight at Le Mans, Donald wrote a second book: Wilbur’s Story - a Personal View of the Role of France in Wilbur Wright’s Life. It is profusely illustrated with reproductions of old postcards, etc, and provides a thoroughly researched and highly readable account of the events before and after Wilbur’s flight on 8-8-08.
Donald was elected to the Aerophilatelic Hall of Fame in 2005, to honour “his dedication to aerophilately and aeropostal history”.
He is survived by his wife Lesley, and his daughter Carolyn.
Chris Hargreaves
Dr. Teddy Dahinden was born on January 6th 1926 in Switzerland.
He was the initiator and strong promoter of Astrophilately. As founder and President of the Society of Space Philatelists in Zürich in 1969 he organised the first 3 WERABA specialised Space Philately Exhibitions in Zurich and Luzern 1970-73.
In 1976 was elected President of the Swiss Philatelic Federation, chairing it for eleven years, where he continued the promotion by succeeding in the acceptance of the new Class Astrophilately.
He was also a great Thematic collector. His exhibit “The Dog: Man's Friend and Helper”, built together with his wife Henrike, reached several Large Gold medals.
He was Director and FIP Vicepresident.
Dr. Dahinden passed away on the September 12th 2015 at the age of 89 years.
Source: FEPA News
The Aerophilatelic Society of Argentina reports that on Thursday, April 28 passed away our former vice president, Avedis Ketchian as a result of an accident on the street that could not be recovered.
He was 79 years old and was President of Sociedad Argentina de Aerofilatelia (Aerofila), FIP Juror Aerophilately Class, and a leading exhibitor of Aerophilately. It is an unfortunate loss for Philately and their many friends. Our condolences to his beloved family. Rest in peace.
2010 - December : Kuno Sollors Kuno Sollors (1932-2010) of Germany was aerophilately's historian. A big man with a big heart and a big laugh, he promoted aerophilately throughout the world.
Following his vice presidency under Roland Kohl, Kuno served as president of FISA (International Federation of Aerophilatelic Societies) from 1998 to 2007. He reached out to airmail clubs and societies worldwide, encouraging them to join and partic-ipate in the federation. He traveled to many exhibitions and worked tirelessly to promote the collecting of airmails. He sought to increase recognition for aerophilately at the local, national and international lev-els. Since joining AAMS in the early 1960s, he worked to bring FISA Con-gresses to North America in con-junction with AAMS conventions.
Kuno authored major aerophilatelic works on labels of German avia-tion events and zeppelins. His book, Zeppelin, Parseval & Andere Luftschiffe, was based on his collection and called the "Sollors" catalog by collectors. He contributed as an editor to various airmail catalogs, including American Air Mail Catalogue and the Michel Zeppelin-und Flug-post-Spezial-Katalog. He was a former president of the Arge Zeppelinpost, researcher, judge and dealer. Kuno received many honors during his lifetime, including the FISA Gold Pin in 1990, FISA Gold Medal in 1995, George W. Angers Memorial Award in 1996 and Aerophilatelic Hall of Fame in 2005.
In addition to collecting aero labels, Sollors assembled one of the great aerophilatelic libraries. For his lifetime collecting achievement, Kuno assembled and prepared on annotated pages a collection of the history of aerophilately and astrophilately, including its personalities, exhibitions, special events, FISA activities, souvenirs and photographs. This collection is unique and tells the history of the field in a unique way. Without his tireless efforts to find the documents and details, most of this history would have been lost. A portion of his exhibit on aerophilatelic activities in North America has been exhibited in the Court of Honor during a FISA Congress in the United States.
Kuno had a special connection to the United States. As a young man, he embarked on an adventure that took him from Germany to El Paso, Texas. While working, he grew to love the southern landscape and the TexMex culture. He made lifelong friends, perfected his English and learned American humor. Kuno was charismatic, a great storyteller who enjoyed sharing ideas and laughter, especially over a beer. He took his knowledge, love of life, and charm with him as he tirelessly promoted his love of aerophilately and its community.
— Cheryl Ganz, The Airpost Journal, January 2011
Alexander S. Newall, born November 13th 2013, deceased November 8th 2006, after being the Patron of F.I.S.A. for more than four years.
Most of us will remeber him as the editor of the F.I.S.A. Bulletin, he published and sponsored from # 1 up to # 127.
As always the loss of a well known friend is a sad news. With Alex we lost one of its most loyal and outstanding supporter within F.I.S.A. and Aero- and Astrophilately worldwide. To name all his merits would take several pages.
All his titles he fulfilled with great honour. He was a dedicated researcher, jury member, author, editor, Patron of the BAeF and of F.I.S.A. and counsel to all interested in our mutual hobby. We mourn his passing away and Alex will be sorely missed by all who knew him.
We pass to his wife Heidi and family our most sincere condolences.
Kuno Sollors President of F.I.S.A
Alexander Newall FRPSL
Alexander Newall, FRPSL, who died on Wednesday, 8 November, aged 92, was a well known aerophilatelist and a founder member of the British Aerophilatelic Federation.
Alex started stamp collecting as a child, as most of us did, and later went on to form specialised collections of classic Switzerland, Swiss Airmails and later on British Airmails and latterly the Siege of Przsemsyl, all to a very high standard. With these collections he received many awards, at both national and international levels, including the Grand Prix at Ameripex '89, two Gold Medals at Israphil '85 and Stockholmia '86 followed by three Large Gold Medals at Polska '93, Bangkok '93 and Singapore '95.
When he came into organized aerophilately in the 1970's there were two national aerophilatelic organisations in the UK, the Aero Philatelic Club, London, founded in 1923 and the British Air Mail Society, founded 1958. Alex could not understand why there should be two separate organizations and he was the driving force behind bringing us together into the British Aerophilatelic Federation.
In the early 1980's we held three exhibitions at the RAF Museum at Hendon and one of my lasting memories is of Alex standing with Francis J. Field (Doyen of Aerophilately), Group Captain Sir Douglas Bader (Of Battle of Britain Fame), Group Captain Bill Randle (First President of BaeF) and myself in front of the Blackburn Beverley watching a parachutist, John Irving of the Irvin Parachute Company, landing in the grounds with a bag of souvenir covers for our event. On the same day we had Wing Commander R.H. McIntosh ("All Weather Mac") of Imperial Airways fame, and Group Captain Randle autographing covers with Alex supervising the event. A final memory is of Alex driving Dennis Edwards and myself up to Sutton Coldfield to a celebratory dinner for Francis J. Field on his 90th birthday. Memorable occasions.
Alex was a national and international judge and wrote two books "Fakes and Forgeries of Airmail Stamps" and "British External Airmail until 1934" (Two editions), as well as numerous articles.
He was a Vice-President of the International Federation of Aerophilatelic Societies (FISA) and edited their bulletin for many years. Also he was a former Vice-President of the Aerophilatelic Commission of the International Philatelic Federation (FIP) and had been elected to the Aerophilatelic Hall of Fame in the USA. Alex was a Past President of the BaeF and he was still a Patron at the time of his death.
Brian Asquith, President British Aerophilatelic Federation
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