Belgian Philatelic Society Cosmos

The Royal Belgian Philatelic Society Cosmos is a society for astrophilatelists. BFV Cosmos was founded on 19 December 1971 in Gent. We are adepts of spaceflight and collect space stamps and space covers from launch sites all over the world. We organize lectures and slide shows on space stamps, covers en space collecting. We exhibit in local, national and international exhibitions.

Our quarterly magazine, Cosmos Express, is sent worldwide to astrophilatelists. This bulletin covers all about astrophilatelic and space events in the world.

Our members collect stamps and space covers from all countries that have a space program : United States, Europe, Union of Soviet States, India, China, Japan, ... The board and members of BFV Cosmos have a great experience in astrophilatelic exhibits at local, national and international exhibitions. BFV Cosmos is member of F.I.S.A., K.L.B.P. and Oost-Phila and is on the BePhila website.

Board of BFV Cosmos
President Stefan Bruylants
Vice-President Bart Van Oppens
Secretary Patric Heye
Treasurer Johan Knockaert
FISA-Delegate Stefan Bruylants
Contact Stefan Bruylants
Official Publication

Cosmos Express

  • 2024

    Cosmos Express # 243

    • New logo for Cosmos
    • Short news on astrophilately
    • The Virgin Galactic flights - space-tourism
    • Starlink satellites
    • Boeing X-37 Orbital Test Vehicle
    • Shenlong - Chinese space shuttle
    • Sea launch for Chinese private company
    • Shenzhou 16 and 17
    • The Space Adventures of Star Trek
    • Upcoming Exhibitions
    March 2024 # 243

    Cosmos Express # 244

    • Annual General Meeting - RBPS Cosmos
    • China Luner Exploration Program
    • Chang’e 6 to the Far Side of the Moon
    • New Shepard 25
    • Starship IFT-4
    • The Copernicus Sentinel Satellite Family
    • Tiangong Space Station
    • Ever though building your own Space Fleet ?
    June 2024 # 244

    Cosmos Express # 245

    September 2024 # 245

    Cosmos Express # 246

    December 2024 # 246
  • 2023

    Cosmos Express # 240

    • In Memoriam J.L. Lafon
    • Honorary Member Jacqueline Bekaert
    • BFV Cosmos - Annual Report 2022
    • Soyuz MS-22
    • SpaceX Crew-6
    • SpaceX Crew-5 landing
    • Which satellite is longest time in space ?
    • Orion recovery ship USS Portland
    • About wrong space covers and more
    • NASA names crew for Artemis 2
    • Krikalev-Cover
    • Celebrating 50 years BFV Cosmos
    • Planned exhibitions
    • Launches in 2022 : addendum
    March 2023 # 240

    Cosmos Express # 241

    • IBRA ‘23 in Essen (D)
    • Axiom 2 flight to ISS
    • European space probe JUICE
    • White Rabbit Hakuto-R to the Moon
    • StarShip 1 first orbital flight
    • SpaceShipTwo - Galactic 01
    • Small rocket companies : Firefly
    • Letter from Alėsund
    • Umberto Cavallaro - a tribute
    • Why did the N-1 rocket fail ?
    June 2023 # 241

    Cosmos Express # 242

    • KSC Post Office closing
    • Naposta '23 / FilaKortrijk '23
    • Rocketlab
    • Virgin Galactic Flights
    • Axiom Space
    • Shenzhou 15 and 16
    • A statue to Félicette
    October 2023 # 242
  • 2022

    Cosmos Express # 236

    • New Shepard 18 and 19 : manned flights
    • Prichal to I.S.S.
    • DART Mission
    • James Webb Telescope
    • Shenzhou 13
    • Covid-19 disrupts Russian stamp edition
    • Space Year 2021
    March 2022 # 236

    Cosmos Express # 237

    • Royal Philatelic Society Cosmos
    • Cosmos Annual Report 2021
    • Antverpia 2022
    • 50st F.I.S.A. Congress
    • Stamp shows 2022
    • I.S.S. Chronology : Expedition 66
    • Boeing OFT-2 flight to I.S.S.
    • Axiom 1 mission to I.S.S.
    • Crew 4 mission to I.S.S.
    • Landing of Shenzhou 13
    • El Chamical - C.E.L.P.A.
    • Gagarin - part 4
    • Superlative Post Offices
    June 2022 # 237

    Cosmos Express # 238

    • News for our members
    • Liberec 2022 - FEPA Exhibition
    • Shenzhou 14 - Tiangong Space Station
    • New Shepard NS-23 - failure ?
    • Yuri Gagarin bewilders the world - part 5
    • OTRAG in Shaba
    • DVD: Fly rocket, fly !
    September 2022 # 238

    Cosmos Express # 239

    • In Memoriam : Béatrice Bachmann
    • Artemis 1 - the Constellation program
    • Artemis 1 - back to the Moon
    • Cygnus NG-18 - S.S. Sally Ride
    • Starlink in my backyard ...
    • Shenzhou 14 - Tiangong Space Station
    • Soyuz MS-22
    • Yuri Gagarin bewilders the World - part 6
    • New group of ESA-astronauts
    December 2022 # 239
  • 2021

    Cosmos Express # 232

    • 60 years ago : first man in space
      ---- part 1 : Y. Gagarin bewilders the world
    • China to the Moon
    • USSR Postal Stationary with card inlay
    • Port Lockry : Arctic mail to ISS
    March 2021 # 232

    Cosmos Express # 233

    • Dragon Crew 1
    • Dragon Crew 2
    • UAE and Hope to Mars
    • Hope on Mars
    • China on orbit around Mars
    • China lands on Mars
    • Vega 16 - Two Belgian Cubesats
    • Y. Gagarin bewilders the World /2
    • Launches 2020
    June 2021 # 233

    Cosmos Express # 234-235

    • 50 years BFV Cosmos - delayed / MyStamp
      - history
    • Inspirati④n
    • Soyuz-MS-19 : the Movie
    • Chinese Space Station Tiangong
    • Space tourism - Virgin Galactic
      - Blue Origin
    • Nauka finally launched to ISS
    • Yuri Gagarin bewilders the world - part 3
    • BepiColombo to Mercurius
    • Obituaries - Romano Savini
      - Jeff Dugdale
    December 2021 # 234-235
  • 2020

    Cosmos Express # 228-229

    • Launch America : Demo-2 flight
    • Crew Dragon docking depicted
    • New era for US astronauts
    • A short history of Dragon v2
    • I.S.S. Chronology : Expedition 52
    • LOFT-1 : first private rocket fligh
    • Flown cover on board LOFT-1
    • Israel to the Moon
    • First Sea Launch for LM-11
    • Satellite launches in China
    • Spacecake of the Future
    • Spacecraft launches in 2019
    March-June 2020 # 228-229

    Cosmos Express # 230

    • Three Missions to Mars
      -- Hope (UAE)
      -- Tianwen-1 (China)
      -- Perseverance (USA)
    • Chandrayaan 2
    • China Next Generation Spacecraft
    • China Space Station
    • Private Spaceflight in China
    • Catalogs of City Collector Club Cachets
    • Why the SRB’s of the Space Shuttle are not bigger ?
    September 2020 # 230

    Cosmos Express # 231

    • Samples out of Space
    • China's new Moon shot : Chang'e 5
    • A Chinese space shuttle
    • Suspected R-letters from the USSR
    • eBay prices seen in 2020
    • Rocket City, Orlando, Florida, 1964
    • Recent volumes from "De Wetenschappelijke Bibliotheek"
    • Musical surprises
    December 2020 # 231
  • 2019

    Cosmos Express # 224

    Annual General Meeting
    * Soyuz-MS 10
    * I.S.S. Chronology - Expedition 50
    * Chinese landing on the far saide of the Moon
    * SpaceX Crew dragon ready for first flight
    * Cape Canaveal and nuclear submarines
    * Book : Stamping the Earth from Space / Dicato Renato

    March 2019 # 224

    Cosmos Express # 225

    • An early Sowjet recovery cover from Voskhod 2 landing
    • Launches in 2018
    • W. Hopferwieser - Pioneer Rocket Mail and Space Mail
    • M. Villa - Anatoly N. Berezovoy - 211 Days in Space
    June 2019 # 225

    Cosmos Express # 226

    • 50 Years ago : The First Man on the Moon
    • The Speech of President Kennedy at Rice University
    • Apollo 11 : the Woman behind the Success
    • The logo of Apollo 11
    • The Fallen Astronaut
    • The Space Suit
    • New feature to the USS Randolph rescue covers
    • Space Music : musical surprises
    September 2019 # 226

    Cosmos Express # 227

    • Exhibition report : Wiener Neustadt and Luxembourg
    • Stamps : Winning Belgium - Belgium in Space
    • Belgian scientists : Man isn’t made for space travel
    • Recent Auction Prices seen on eBay
    December 2019 # 227
  • 2018

    Cosmos Express # 220

    • Annual General Meeting in April
    • Philatelic Feast at Ronse - October 2018
    • AS.IT.AF celebrates its 10th Anniversary
    • The Falcon Heavy Rocket
    • I.S.S. chronology : Expedition 48 / 49
    • China launches 2017
      R.I.P. - John Young
      R.I.P. - Leonid Kadenyuk
      Launch Calendar 2017
    March 2018 # 220

    Cosmos Express # 221

    Annual General Meeting
    - The Space Dogs - part 3
    - Stephen Hawkings passed away
    - Alan Bean passed away

    June 2018 # 221

    Cosmos Express # 222

    National Exhibition Philexnam 2018
    - Insight to Mars
    - Tess, the new Planet Hunter
    - Soyuz MS-07
    - Soyuz MS-08
    - Chinese Tiang Gong 1 decayed
    - Launch of 'estafette' satellite Que Qiao
    - Chinese postmarks for beginners
    - 25 years ago : the DC-X
    Beatrice Bachmann awarded Lifetime FIP Award

    September 2018 # 222

    Cosmos Express # 223

    • I.S.S. Chronology - Expedition 50
    • Soyuz MS-09
    • The last Delta-2
    • BepiColombo
    • Hayabusa 2
    • Voyager 2
    • A short history : Georges Lemaître
      Bookshelf : - The Race to the Moon / Umberto Cavallaro
    December 2018 # 223
  • 2017

    Cosmos Express # 216

    • Space trio with upgraded Soyuz MS-01
    • Soyuz MS-02
    • Soyuz MS-03
    • New members Chinese rocket family
    • Second Chinese Heavenly Palace
    • Europe tries to conquer Mars
    • Japanese spaceflight in 2016.
    • New Antares rocket with supplies to ISS
    • New Horizon : ends of prime mission.
    • Osiris-Rex
    • John Glenn RIP
    • Launches in 2016
    March 2017 # 216

    Cosmos Express # 217

    • Annual Report BFV Cosmos 2016
    • Cosmonaut Georgy Gretchko passed away
    • ISS chronology : Expedition 47
    • 50 years ago : the Apollo 1 accident
    • The last launches from Hammaguir
    • Rosetta mission : the final deed
    • The Space Dogs - 2 : Bjelka and Strelka
    June 2017 # 217

    Cosmos Express # 218

    • 40th Anniversary of Weltraum Philatelie eV
    • Regional exhibition at Mariaburg /Antwerp
    • 100th EELV with Weather Satellite
    • Soyuz-MS 04 with two new ISS crew members
    • First supply ship for Chinese space station
    • Juno Mission - Jupiter revisited
    • SpaceShipOne : a new challenge
    September 2017 # 218

    Cosmos Express # 219

    • Cassini : end of mission
    • AIDA – Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment Mission
    • T R V – Terrestrial Return Vehicle
    • Dream Chaser
    • New players in the spaceflight market :
      -- New Zealand
      -- Republic of India
      -- Adeline
      -- Skylon
    • R.I.P. - Richard Gordon ° 1929 - ✞ 2017
    • R.I.P. - Paul Joseph Weitz - ° 1932 - ✞ 2017
    December 2017 # 219