Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Aéro- et Astrophilatéliques

International Federation of Aero- and Astrophilatelic Societies
Internationaler Federation für Aero- und Astrophilatelisten Vereine
... s'occupe des aéro- et astro-collectionneurs du monde entier !
En tant que collectionneur de documents aéro- ou astrophilatéliques, vous pouvez adhérer aux sociétés de votre pays. Toute information sur les sociétés et/ou clubs peut être trouvée ici.
... looks after the airmail- and astro-collectors of the whole world !
As a collector of aero- or astrophilatelic documents, you can join the societies of your country. All information on societies and/or clubs can be found here.
... betreut die Luftpost- und Astro-Sammler der ganzen Welt !
Als Sammler von aero- oder astrophilatelistischen Dokumenten können Sie sich den Gesellschaften Ihres Landes anschließen. Alle Informationen hier.

Recent News on Aero- and Astrophilately

GAPS Congress

Salon Phil'Espace

The Congress of the "G.A.P.S." with a Salon Phil'Espace, an exhibition level I and II.


Helicopter flight
100 Years Erfurt Airport


From 15 - 23 February
Webinar on World Air Mail Day, February 18th.

Fiorenzo Longhi


We received the news that Fiorenzo Longhi (I) passed away on November 12th 2024.


International Digital Membership

How about if you, as a member of one of our societies, for a small fee you can also become a member of 1-3 of our other societies ?

Muller Catalogue

FISA offers its members the opportunity to consult the complete Frank Muller "Catalogue des Aérogrammes du Monde Entier" to his members

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